Preservation Pruning

Limb Failure

Codominant Crack

It is better to find out about a problem tree before you have a tree problem.

Recognizing tree risk.

Not all trees are created equally. Some trees are exceptionally strong wooded and slow growing while others are fast growing and eprone to decay. Sometimes trees are simply inappropriately located or have been improperly pruned in the past. Trees and people live together successfully all the time. For a tree to be considered as a hazard, there needs to be a target of value that could be struck if some part of the tree fell on it. Whenever possible, the target should be moved or mitigation pruning or cabling done to reduce the potential risk. However, if the target is a family’s home, then that isn’t a viable option. Sometimes pruning and cabling can mitigate the potential hazards enough that removal isn’t necessary, but sometimes tree removal is the only option. Preservation is our philosophy but we also care for people and their safety! We also offer stump grinding and tree planting when removals are required.

Champion Tree Care is special because we offer Consulting Arborist Services, Tree Risk Assessment and Expert Pruning & Removing of Trees. With over twenty years of experience and formal university education to make informed decisions. We are about using our minds as well as our muscles.

Call our office with your questions (425) 353-5434 or send us an email.